day 3

breakfast time is going to be at 6:30, too early for jet lag. felt like I was weighed down all day. but it was a fine day. we ate, then had a general safety meeting with the man in charge here at los cruces, Rodo talked about the landscapes, animal, insects, and just general safety tips for us. after the meeting, we wondered the garden while discussing the plants and other aspects of the garden, like: history, restoration goals, education, plant taxonomy, and animal interactions (pollination habits, and diet). after the garden tour, he took us to the forest. we got to see more plants, we learned about an asian ginger plant that is invasive to the area, and that this is why we are here. we came here not only for our own science, but to share science with the tribe of panama. the tribal members are strong in numbers, but lack the knowledge of ecology that is available to us in U.S.A that is used in order for successful restoration from climate change. we hiked about a quarter of a mile, while talking about the birds, monkeys, butterfly, snakes, and many other taxa that could be around. we learned that birds are more dominant than we thought, some species are territorial. the females fly around are find the biggest male birds, and that is how they would find partners. after getting so far. it was lunch time, we hiked out, ate, then met up for lab. we talked about the technology, projects, and interests. this meeting lasted until dinner. i fell the other day so my tailbone/back started to hurt so i went to my room at about 7.


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